Advertising Policy
Effective Date: January 17th, 2024
To further the mission of 'providing a private and secure space in the Internet that allows everyone to create, store and share their own Personal Health Record (PHR) in the cloud, with particular emphasis on usability, availability, mobility and ubiquity, while maintaining user privacy and protecting intellectual property', advertising and sponsorship may be accepted under strict guidelines as specified below. Advertising and sponsorship revenue is used to support Research and Non-Profit Development at Kience Inc. DBA Kience myHealth (Kience myHealth).
Kience myHealth will maintain a distinct separation between advertising content and editorial content. All advertising content on the Kience myHealth website will be clearly labeled as an advertisement. Sponsored areas of the site will be labeled as such, and the sponsoring organizations will be identified. The Advertising Policy is set and reviewed annually by the Advertising Integrity Board (AIB), comprised of representatives from Kience myHealth, the Editorial Board (EB), the Medical Advisory Board (MAB), staff of Kience myHealth and the management team of Kience myHealth. The current policy guidelines appear below:
- Advertisements for products that run counter to Kience myHealth's mission, such as alcohol, tobacco, firearms, explosives, fireworks, gambling and pornography, will not be considered. Advertisements for legal services; political, social cause or religious ads; advertisement for competitors; comparative advertising that mentions competitive brand names; and intrusive ad units (including pop-ups and floating ads) are not permitted.
- Health Claims: Advertisements must not make a health claim for its product that is not clearly substantiated. Advertisers may be required to submit supporting documentation to the Advertising Integrity Board to substantiate claims.
- No implication of endorsement by Kience myHealth or its employees, affiliates or sponsors of product or advertiser may be made.
- The Advertising Integrity Board retains final approval of all sponsor/product messages, banners and advertising copy that are directly linked or adjacent to the content.
- The advertisement, advertising icons and company logos must be displayed in such a way that they clearly are not part of the site content.
- The Advertising Integrity Board reserves the right to reject, cancel or remove at any time any advertisement for any reason. The board also reserves the right to determine the appropriate placement of the advertisement on the Web site.
- No unsolicited commercial messages are allowed.
- Collecting and selling of mailing lists without the users' expressed permission is not allowed.
- Advertising Integrity Board retains the right to block any ad that runs on third-party ad servers, such as 'Ads by Google', that don't meet the agreed upon criteria.
- This Advertising Policy will be clearly marked and made accessible to readers and potential advertisers.
- For inquiries about advertising and sponsorships, please send a request by email to
Currently, our website does not host any form of advertisement.